Supervisor Training/Consultation
Are you a clinical supervisor looking for additional support for your role?
Do you have a challenging situation with a supervisee?
Are you wondering how to start or grow your supervision practice?
I have been a dual licensed clinical supervisor since 2011 and many years in management prior to becoming a clinician. Balancing your own caseload, growing a business, working on new projects, managing a home life and finding time for self care and rejuvenation is hard!
If that wasn’t enough, as a supervisor, we take on the responsibility of our supervisee’s development, each and every one of their cases, guidance towards effectiveness/success and potential errors. It can be stressful at times, but also rewarding to serve as a mentor.
Often, we become isolated with our hectic schedules and a relatively small community of supervisor peers that we forget to reach out for consultation. No matter how long we’ve been doing this, we will eventually hit a wall with any given situation. There’s no shame in needing a little boost now and then.
Common concerns supervisors face…
- Exploring Your Supervisor Identity/Role
- Processing Dynamics Between Supervisor & Supervisee
- Setting Expectations
- Providing Feedback to Clinicians
- Ethics
- Boundaries
- Paperwork
- Burnout/Self Care
- Professional Development
- Growing Supervision Practice
- Handling Board Complaints Against Supervisees
- Up To Date Board Rules
Sessions are available worldwide and are conducted virtually. If you think you could benefit from additional support, whether it is just a one time case consult or ongoing coaching, I’d love to hear from you! Click the link below and let me know how I can help.
$150/hr for individual consultation